- On Measures towards Protection of Cats against Abusive Handling in Lviv, Decree No. 3714 d.d. 31.07.2014 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Homeless Animals Population Management Program in Lviv for 2020-2025, Decree No. 6121 d.d. 26.12.2019 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Rules for Pet Animal Care and Handling in Lviv, Decree No. 6225 d.d. 23.01.2020 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- On Approval of Program for Establishment of Infrastructure for Proper Dog Walking in Lviv for 2019-2023 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- On Approval of Types and Locations for Dog Walking in Lviv, Decree No. 5468 d.d. 19.09.2019 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Law of Ukraine On Protection of Animals against Abusive Handling (official web-page of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in Ukrainian)
- Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences (official web-page of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in Ukrainian)
- On Approval of the Procedure and Rules for Compulsory Insurance of Dog Owners' Liability for Damages, which May be Caused to the Third Parties (official web-page of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in Ukrainian)
- Presentation 1 – Year of Changes at LME "Lev" (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Presentation 2 – LME "Lev". RELOADING (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Presentation 3 – LME "Lev". PRECONDITIONS - INNOVATIONS - RESULTS (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Presentation 4 – LME "Lev” TODAY (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Main Instruction of LME "Lev” for Work with Homeless Animals (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Volunteer Agreement (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Caregiver Agreement (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Adoption Application (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Charter of LME "Lev" (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- History of Dogs in Lviv – brochure in Ukrainian and English languages (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian and in English)
- Anti-Corruption Program of LME "Lev" (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Reporting and Structure of LME "Lev”, 2017-2019 (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Information on operation of LME "Lev” (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
- Strategy for Arrangement of Dog Walking Areas in Lviv for 2018-2023 (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)