(032) 293-30-41
(068) 535-45-45

Useful Information



  1. On Measures towards Protection of Cats against Abusive Handling in Lviv, Decree No. 3714 d.d. 31.07.2014 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  2. Homeless Animals Population Management Program in Lviv for 2020-2025, Decree No. 6121 d.d. 26.12.2019 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  3. Rules for Pet Animal Care and Handling in Lviv, Decree No. 6225 d.d. 23.01.2020 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  4. On Approval of Program for Establishment of Infrastructure for Proper Dog Walking in Lviv for 2019-2023 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  5. On Approval of Types and Locations for Dog Walking in Lviv, Decree No. 5468 d.d. 19.09.2019 (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  6. Law of Ukraine On Protection of Animals against Abusive Handling (official web-page of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in Ukrainian)
  7. Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences (official web-page of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in Ukrainian)
  8. On Approval of the Procedure and Rules for Compulsory Insurance of Dog Owners' Liability for Damages, which May be Caused to the Third Parties (official web-page of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in Ukrainian)
  9. Presentation 1 – Year of Changes at LME "Lev" (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  10. Presentation 2 – LME "Lev". RELOADING (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  11. Presentation 3 – LME "Lev". PRECONDITIONS - INNOVATIONS - RESULTS (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  12. Presentation 4 – LME "Lev” TODAY (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  13. Main Instruction of LME "Lev” for Work with Homeless Animals (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  14. Volunteer Agreement (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  15. Caregiver Agreement (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  16. Adoption Application (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  17. Charter of LME "Lev" (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  18. History of Dogs in Lviv – brochure in Ukrainian and English languages (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian and in English)
  19. Anti-Corruption Program of LME "Lev" (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  20. Reporting and Structure of LME "Lev”, 2017-2019 (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  21. Information on operation of LME "Lev” (DOC-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)
  22. Strategy for Arrangement of Dog Walking Areas in Lviv for 2018-2023 (PDF-file at Google Drive, in Ukrainian)