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We start to show our work not only by means of online broadcasting from the enterprise, but also as current performance indicators. With this purpose, LME "Lev" launches updated bilingual website: https://lkplev.com.

Municipal Enterprise "Lev" is often considered as an example of transparency and publicity. Nevertheless, we see how we can be even in closer touch with our readers and everyone concerned with animals life in our city and beyond it. Therefore, we start to show our work not only by means of online broadcasting from the enterprise, but also as current performance indicators. With this purpose, LME "Lev" launches updated bilingual website: https://lkplev.com.

New Internet-page of LME "Lev" now provides detailed information on daily number of animals admitted, medical procedures performed, in which premises they are accommodated, how many vacant places we have in quarantine room, hospital and outdoor kennels, as well as adoption statistics.

"We sincerely thank our friends and partners – Animal-ID.info company, who provided us with a new mechanism for informing on our work. It is one more step to even more publicity of our enterprise. We believe, this will incent people to become volunteers, to take part in helping animals and performing positive changes together!" says Oksana Koshak, Director of LME "Lev". Thanks to EOS, multi-language vendor, our news are available in two languages: in Ukrainian and in English.

Cofounder of Animal-ID.info company, developer of the website Viktor Kopach says that LME "Lev" is the first specialized center for stray animals in Europe with such a transparent and constant reporting system. "Municipal enterprises in Ukraine hardly ever have positive public image. Moreover, organizations in the sphere of stray animal control are subject to devastating criticism. The only enterprise in Ukraine, which has been experiencing strategic changes starting from 2015, breaks the mould. LME "Lev" shows, that transparent and systemic work is the only way to change the situation with animals on the streets and, therefore, to regain the trust to municipal enterprises" he says.

According to Viktor Kopach, from the first minute of the enterprise contact with an animal funded from the budget, all relevant information is shown on the webpage. Each visitor of the website can choose a period so that to review performance indicators (the so called KPIs), which are figured automatically and cannot be edited or deleted. Also, you can take a virtual tour around the enterprise.

To recap, LME "Lev" is the first municipal enterprise in Ukraine, which has been showing its work via on-line broadcasting for 2 years already: you can watch the reception ward, quarantine room, clinic and other premises, as well as the yard.

Нагадаємо, ЛКП «Лев» є першим комунальним підприємством в Україні, яке вже упродовж 2 років в онлайн-режимі транслює свою роботу онлайн: приймальню, карантин, клініку та інші приміщення і території.